正当台风“尼伯特”肆虐之际,一股更强的“爵士台风”正准备悄然来袭。几位来自上海的国际爵士乐大师们正准备于7月24日登陆东亚文化之都--泉州。这消息对于我们泉州广大乐迷来说简直就是一场福音,足不出户就可以欣赏到高逼格的爵士现场音乐会。除此之外,大师们还将与泉州的音乐莘莘学子们进行零距离的交流。语言不通?没事,我们配有专业的翻译;场地太小?此次的活动安排在泉州第七中学李群华体育馆,足够宽敞;天气太热?场地配备了大功率的空调,足够让大家冷静的听讲。我们的教师团队由自于世界各地的顶尖音乐人组成,有顺子“红节奏”以及莫文蔚演出团队的御用钢琴手Sean Higgins,曾经在伯克利音乐学院以及格莱美制作团队随行表演的鼓手Al Gordon等。他们将把多年积累的专业知识及舞台经验向学生倾囊相授。当晚还会为泉州音乐迷们带来一场原汁原味的爵士三重奏(Jazz Trio),让我们拭目以待!
下午 2:00 麦斯威尔·科德钢琴大师班
下午 4:00 爵士鼓大师班
晚上 7:00 经典爵士三重奏
复制链接感受大师Sean Higgins与Danny Zanker的Jazz Trio Live:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzYwNzMzODcy.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2#paction
美国爵士钢琴家,作曲家. 毕业于美国北伊利洛伊大学 (NIU),主修爵士钢琴,并获得硕士学位. 曾多次与美国著名爵士音乐家组团世界巡演,音乐之旅遍及欧洲;美洲;亚洲等地.荣获美国埃尔姆赫斯特爵士音乐节杰出钢琴家奖及美国官方颁发的优秀爵士音乐家荣誉.参加的爵士音乐节包括2004美国衣阿华州爵士音乐节; 2007 Tri-C爵士音乐节; 2007 哥伦布爵士音乐节; 2008 好望角爵士音乐节, 2008 莫斯科Usadba爵士音乐节; 2008 海参威爵士音乐节, 2009-2010上海爵士音乐节. 2005年创作发行个人专辑 "The New Thought” ;2008年创作发行第二张个人专辑 “Three Years’ Stories”.以及顺子和莫文蔚的演出制作团队首席键盘及钢琴。
Sean Higgins
Pianist and composer, is an up-and-coming young musician known for his creative, energetic, and swinging solos full of joy, adventure, and spontaneity, paying love and respect to masters such as McCoy Tyner, Herbie Hancock, and Kenny Kirkland, while contributing his personal experience to the jazz tradition. Higgins completed a B.M. in Jazz Performance at UNC-Wilmington, and an M.M. at Northern Illinois University (NIU), where he played in and composed for the NIU Liberace Jazztet and NIU Jazz Ensemble led by Ronald Carter. Higgins has opened for Dave Holland, Fourplay, Joe Lovano, Talib Kweli, Ryan Cohen, and Stefon Harris and Blackout.
While currently performing throughout China, Higgins also performs worldwide-recently completing successful 8-week US Jazz Ambassador tours of the Middle East and Russia with Alvin Atkinson & the Sound Merchants. He has played in many NYC clubs such as The Jazz Standard, Smoke, Dizzy’s & The Allen Room at Jazz at Lincoln Center, 2009 ’10 ‘14 Shanghai-JZ, 2015 Changsha. Sean released his debut trio album, "The New Thought” feat. (Iajhi Hampden-drums, Josh Ramos-bass) in 2005, and recently his 2nd album “Three Years’ Stories” (Iajhi Hampden-drums, Motoki Mihara-bass).
1980-1988年 旧金山 1984年在加州大学伯克利表演,师从 Eddie Moore,Vince Lateano,Mike ,并且与George Cables同台表演。录过专辑也参加过TV秀。
1988-1989 在迈阿密嘉年华游轮公司和海逃脱游轮上作为乐队鼓手。
1989-2002 在纽约师从Jimmy Cobb,Billy Higgins,Art Taylor and Mike Clark,与Junior Cook,Eddie Henderson,Ralph Lalama,Rob Krall and John Ray在纽约的各大场馆表演,在各大赌场也有表演。
2002-至今 在亚洲各种场馆表演包括上海 JZ Club,CJW,Park 97,Wooden Box,Peace Hotel,House of Blues and Jazz,and Ritz Carlton Hotel,与此同时,Al Gordon还与Eric Wyatt,JQ,Whitcomb,Brian Hurley, Victor Noriega,Nicholas Bouloukas,顾中山,Toby Mok,Slnne Eeg,Sean Higgins,Sonya Hensley,赵可,Alec Haavick, Denise Minninfield,Sugar mama,Peng Fay and Alice Day等爵士艺术家合作过。在香港的香格里拉酒店,四季酒店等与一大批优秀音乐人合作。与香港电视台也有合作音乐剧。并于格莱美团队一起巡演。
除此之外,Al Gordon 是上海包玉刚实验学校的音乐辅导老师。
Al Gordon
1980-1988 San Francsico-University of California Berkeley Music Performance 1984,studied privately with Eddie Moore,,performed with George Cables,
1988-1989 Carnival Cruise Line/Sea Escape Cruises,show band drummer.
1989-2002- New York City studied with Jimmy Cobb,Billy Higgins,Art Taylor and Mike Clark, Performed with Junior Cook,Eddie.Organized "Music on the Green"series for Fishers Island New York shows such as Peter on the Wolf with full Orchestra, Shawnn Montiero,Samba Do Brasil and Harold Danko trio.
2002-Present:Performing in various venues in Asia,Shanghai JZ Club,CJW,Park 97,Wooden Box,Peace Hotel,House of Blues and Jazz,and Ritz Carlton Hotel with Eric Wyatt,JQ,Whitcomb,Lawrence Ku,Toby Mok,Slnne Eeg,Sean Higgins,Sonya Hensley,Coco,Alec Haavick, Denise Minninfield,Sugar mama,Peng Fay and Alice Day. Hong Kong at Island Shanggri-la,Four season's, Dada Lounge.Appeared on the RBHK TV show with Ben Pelletier,"Broadway Pit Drummer"for HK Art Theatre productions of "Thoroughly Modern Millie" and "The Music Man".Toured with the incredible Grammy awarded B-3 Organist "Bill Heid".
Music Educator auxiliary staff member at YKPAO International School(shanghai)-coach classroom bass and percussion for the Elmentary School.
贝斯大提琴手/Double Bass Artist:丹尼
Danny在2009年的夏天停下在纽约的一切表演来到了上海。从那以后,Danny就开始和上海最好的乐手合作,包括Alec Haavik, Heidi Krenn, Sean Higgins, Oleg Roschin, Chris Trzynski等等等等。
In the summer of 2009, Danny decided to take a break from the rigors of NYC and moved to Shanghai. Since then, he has been playing regularly with several of the best players in town, including Alec Haavik, Heidi Krenn, Sean Higgins, Oleg Roschin, Chris Trzynski, and many more.
Danny’s life’s work has been to entertain party goers,He has enjoyed his work greatly and looks forward to continuing it for years to come.
2010年 东京羽田机场大酒店 钢琴演奏 东京大舞台 与著名歌手山本爱 同台演出
2011年 上海音乐学院现代器乐与打击乐系“爵妙黑白爵有引力”爵士钢琴专业汇报演出
无锡星尚大典陶喆《爱很简单》现场钢琴伴奏 与上海音乐学院爵士大乐队于上海2012爵士音乐节成功弹唱演出
2013年 与NST乐队于上海音乐厅成功弹唱演出 《爵士周系列音乐会》
2014年与fine notes女子乐队在上海音乐厅成功演出《爵士系列音乐会》
与著名爵士钢琴演奏家贺乐举办“爵妙黑白 酷炫凌云——流行爵士专场音乐会”
参加 国际爵士乐大赛获得爵士人声三等奖
在中国(上海)第二届爵士乐教学研讨会上的 全明星音乐会上与德国汉堡音乐学院 爵士大乐团及著名指挥家Wolf 同台演出 担任爵士人声,获得好评